Wednesday, September 28, 2011


School is back in session and its time to find that oh-so-necessary routine and start writing again. I'm giddy!!

I posted earlier about Blog overload. So much amazing information is out there for writers - agents, editors, fans, writers - all are putting up tips that can make your work shine. Once it reached the tipping point for me though, I had to stop reading them. Too. much. information.

BUT! I found that even with my hiatus, I kept reading a few blogs. Janet Reid's blog is not only high entertainment, but delivers need to know information with gentle sass and piazzaz.

Nathan Bransford comes across in his blog as a REALLY NICE GUY, who happens to know a lot about the publishing industry and wants to share. He has a huge following and even runs a great forum page for support.

Finally, Mary Kole is one agent who overwhelms me a bit, but who delivers honest, straight facts about writing and publishing. I never find her posts preachy, but instead really important and useful and go back to them a lot (even if I wear shades to hide myself - she's probably a very kind person, but she knows her stuff - and I'm just learning!!).

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