Monday, June 13, 2011

Dating . . .

OK MG writers - I have the evidence. Fifth grade, middle school, the dating bug has started according to my child. It is funny because when I wrote my story with a 12 year old main character, I thought I would put a tiny dose of romance in, but wondered if it were correct. The kids "talked" about going out in 4th, but it just ramped up. *Sigh* it is easier to look at this fact from a MG writer research perspective than as a mom . . .


  1. Hey Christy, just wanted to say great blog! Looking forward to hearing about your writing! Cheers.

  2. Ha! If there's one thing I swear I will never write about, it's preteen romance. :)

  3. I'm your 3rd follower. :) I'm a fellow MG writer looking for followers for my new blog too if you'd like to join me.
